The Tasting Panel magazine

May 2013

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Upping the ABSOLUT Ante ABSOLUT VODKA UNLEASHES ABSOLUT ELYX—AND THE VODKA WORLD REJOICES by Rachel Burkons W hen you're one of the most iconic spirit brands in the world, planning and executing a line extension is a tricky balancing act. On one hand, you want to stay true to the tenets that have made you beloved; on the other, your new endeavors need to have purpose, pushing the limits of experimentation and adding useable value to your brand's already-existing core values. But if any brand is equipped to take on such a challenge, it is surely ABSOLUT, whose newest release, ABSOLUT ELYX, has us rethinking the luxury vodka category's capabilities. It's all about the copper. ABSOLUT ELYX's copper distillation in a vintage copper still gives the vodka an extremely smooth character. 64 / the tasting panel / may 2013

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