Wyoming Education Association

Spring 2020

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1251513

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Wyoming READ ACROSS With supporting grant funds from the National Education Association, WEA coordinated book giveaways at several schools across Wyoming. In select Title I schools, full classrooms were given free age-appropriate books to foster their love of reading. Books highlighting diversity and multiculturalism were purchased for students of all ages. WEA was also able to use grant funds to help provide books, and customized stickers for the "Bingo for Books" event put on by the Powell Education Association. Each year, March 2 marks National Read Across America day. Traditionally, WEA has worked with schools across the state to coordinate events on this special day. This year, however, Read Across America Day, has become Read Across America Year! "What motivates me personally to continue Bingo for Books is building the community- literacy bridge," Powell Middle School teacher and WEA member Stacie Faxon told WEA News. "Families reading to and with children plays a major role in literacy development and being able to support that is a great asset for the Powell Education Association." The COVID-19 outbreak interrupted plans for book giveaways throughout the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Grant funds are still available. 20

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