Wyoming Education Association

Spring 2020

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1251513

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WISH TO PRESIDENT VETTER After three accomplished terms, WEA President Kathy Vetter will be retiring in July of 2020. All of us here at WEA feel blessed to have worked with such a passionate, charismatic, and steadfast advocate for education. President Vetter's kindness, vivacity, and depth of knowledge have made an indelible positive impact on Wyoming education, first in the classroom and now at the Association, the Capitol , and beyond. We are proud to call her a colleague, mentor, and friend. Thank you, President Vetter! We wish you all the very best in retirement! Congratulate President Vetter on her retirement! Share farewell messages, photos and videos with Kathy at f arewell bit.ly/farewellkathy Link closes to submissions Sunday, July 12 at 12:00 pm. Please share well-wishes before then! bit.ly/farewellkathy

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