Wyoming Education Association

Spring 2020

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1251513

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We have some of the best and most dedicated education employees in the nation, and our students truly benefit from your dedication. As I prepare to move into the next chapter of my life, and no, I do not know what I will be doing, I know that the Wyoming Education Association will continue to be the voice for students and education in Wyoming. We have some amazing leaders stepping up to lead our a ssociation. I know that Grady Hutcherson will be an amazing president and will successfully lead our association forward through the now uncertain future facing us. As I think of all the friends I have made around the state, I hope that I will still hear from you as you continue to advocate for our students and schools in Wyoming. I may not know what the next chapter holds, but I do know that I will neve r stop advocating for students and our education employees. Please stay in touch, my cell phone number will not change, and you can reach me at my personal email address: kathyvetter77@gmail.com. Thank you again for allowing me to serve you for the past eight years, it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, because of all of you. Remember: Together, we can continue to protect the hi ghest-quality education, and the brightest future, for Wyoming students. Thank you for allowing me to serve you as your WEA president for the past eight years. As I reflect on my time as president, I am so thankful for the opportunities that I have had to visit all the different locals across the state and to get to know the members in each of your locals. I have attended new teacher events, back to school events, American Education Week celebrations, membership drives, Read A cross America events, Cat in the Hat events, local meetings, and end-of-the-school-year celebrations. I have enjoyed getting to know our members and being welcomed into classrooms and locals across Wyoming. I am so impressed with all of the amazing work done by our members to ensure that every Wyoming student has everything they need to succeed; you are all superheroes! As part of the WEA lobby team, we have had our share of challenges over the past eight years. Funding has been an issue every year, but we have stayed committed to ensuring schools are funded adequately, even during tough times. We have worked with our education coalition partners, standing united for schools and children in Wyoming. Currently, together we face unprecedented times. I am so proud of how our members have stepped up and met the needs of Wyoming's students; from ensuring students have meals, and learning packets, to quickly and effectively pivoting into online learning and teaching virtually, without missing a beat. Letter F R OM P R E S I D E N T Vetter Wi s h i n g y o u a l l t h e b e s t , Kathy Vetter President, WEA kathyvetter77@gmail.com (307)287-1897 4

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