Wyoming Education Association

Spring 2020

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1251513

Contents of this Issue


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Wyoming Educators' Benefit Trust Earlier this year, SIEA invited WEA to join them at a local meeting. WEA Government Relations Director, Tate Mullen provided information about education legislation, WEA Southeast UniServ Director, Greg Herold touched on the importance of advocacy resources available to WEA members, and WEA Membership Specialist Linda Bottom spoke with members and potential members. "It's become a tradition for me to visit SIEA," said Bottom. "As I continue to be asked to attend their meetings, I feel as if I am a part of their family. Many of their faces are now familiar and they come and talk to me, or just give me a warm smile and I appreciate that. I appreciate signing up a new SIEA member, knowing that they will be taken care of and enjoy the many benefits of membership." In the field W I T H S I E A Captions: Top: WEA Membership Specialist, Linda Bottom (in pink) speaks with a member. Bottom: SIEA President, Mary Wolf and WEA Government Relations Director, Tate Mullen discuss education legislation. 30

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