Wyoming Education Association

Spring 2020

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1251513

Contents of this Issue


Page 21 of 31

WEA WEA President Grady Hutcherson WEA Vice President Kim Amen WEA ESP Statewide Representative Christine Fitzgerald WEA Ethnic Minority Statewide Representative Lydia Rayfield WEA Higher Education Statewide Representative Catherine Steinbock NEA RA State Delegate (Category 1) - 5 delegates Jennifer Gardner Jennifer Hicks Madeline Trujillo-Hamel Christine Fitzgerald Toni Orr Alternates Madeline Martinez Eberle Buhler NEA RA State Delegate (Category 2) - 1 delegate Julie Shanley Central Region Representative Jody Distler Northeast Region President Judith Crow Northeast Region Vice President Annie Gripp Northwest Region President Ralph Wensky Southeast Region President Mariah Learned Southeast Region Vice President Bryon Lee Southeast Region Representative Tracy Clement Southwest Region Representative Madeline Trujillo-Hamel Northeast Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA Annie Gripp Northwest Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA - 3 delegates Jennifer Dare Jennifer Platt Southeast Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA - 2 delegates Aaron Bahmer NEA RA State ESP Cluster Delegate - 1 delegate Mariah Bovee 2020 Election Election Results 22

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