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Education-friendly leadership is essential to protecting the interests of Wyoming's students and educators. As part of our ongoing political action and advocacy work, WEA is currently recruiting members to serve on Candidate Interview Teams (CIT) across Wyoming. Each political candidate seeking WEA's endorsement will be required to fill out a questionnaire. CIT member recommendations are part of the process, along with the results of the questionnaire responses, and other information based on voting records and clarifying information from myself, ultimately to be funneled to the WEA-Political Action Committee for Education's governing council for decisions about endorsement and distributions of WEA-PACE funds. If you are interested in serving on a CIT, notify your local president to that effect, and then let us know by emailing me at Sincerely, Endorsing Education-Friendly Candidates Candidate Interview Teams Tate Mullen Government Relations Director, WEA (307)286-3096 We endorse candidates who will protect safe and quality professional working conditions for all education employees, support due process rights for all education employees, continue support for the constitutional mandate for equitable and adequate funding, and support adequate funding for K-12 and community colleges. WEA DUES DOLLARS CANNOT BE USED FOR CANDIDATE ENDORSEMENTS. ALL WEA-PACE DONATIONS ARE G ENERATED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. HISTORICALLY, WEA-PACE IS AMONG THE LARGEST POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES IN WYOMING. WHAT IS WEA-PACE? WEA PACE is the political arm of the Wyoming Education Association, endorsing pro-public education candidates with voluntary donations. LEARN MORE AT WWW.WYOEA.ORG/WEA-PACE AMPLIFY YOUR VOICE. Amplify your voice for public education. WEA's goal is for every member to contribute to PACE. No amount is too small. Payroll deduction is available in most school districts. 17