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56 • THE ARTISAN FALL 2019 Recreating an authentic depiction of Rudy Ray Moore's life and times in this balls-to-the-wall biopic, starring Eddie Murphy, was a hair and make-up collaboration of proportions as epic as Moore himself. For Co-department Heads Hair Carla Farmer and Stacey Morris, along with their incredible team, it meant they had to "put their weight on it," as Moore would say in his distinctive cadence. The responsibility of reawakening a look specifi c to the '70s blaxploitation era, distinctly exemplifi ed by the original Dolemite movie, required months of preparation. This prep work was inclusive of hours of watching Rudy Ray Moore movies and fl ipping through old photo albums from that time period to gain true insight of the styles to be revised and reproduced. The research resulted in the use of more than 200 wigs that were styled and captured on screen. DOLEMITE IS MY NAME B Y S T A C E Y M O R R I S C O - D E P A R T M E N T H E A D H A I R S E V E N T I E S C E L E B R A T I O N : All photos: François Duhamel/Netfl ix, except as noted.