The Clever Root

Spring 2018

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4 2 | t h e c l e v e r r o o t SENSE OF PLATE Island Grinds A FEW PLACES TO EAT NOW IN HONOLULU by S. Irene Virbila Roasted beet poke with avocado, gorilla ogo, and smoked macadamia nuts from Mud Hen Water. HAWAII'S BALMY WEATHER, beaches, and relaxed vibe have long been a draw for travel- ers from the Lower 48. Until recently, Hono- lulu fell somewhat short as a riveting food destination when it came to variety, but that's changing as a new generation of chefs injects energy into the city's dining scene. Here are a few of the places I discovered on a recent visit where I'd happily eat again and again. PHOTO COURTESY OF MUD HEN WATER

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