Post Magazine

November 2012

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editor's note The฀wide฀world฀of฀post฀ S By RANDI ALTMAN EDITOR-IN-CHIEF tep into almost any post or VFX house and you'll likely hear a variety of accents. Such a creative industry draws people from all over the globe. Adventurous types who are willing to pick up their lives and start new ones for better oppor- tunities and the betterment of their craft. My feature this month (page 26) touches on this aspect of our industry. One of the folks I spoke to for the piece is Goldcrest New York's Katie Hinsen, a native New Zealander. It's been almost two years since she moved to a snowy New York from the summer in New Zealand. Now she says she can't even imagine living anywhere else. But she admits that it took her about six months before she got acclimated. In addition to no one understanding a word she was saying, there was also the pace of the city. "New York can be overwhelming when you first come here, it's sensory overload, so when I went outside, I would put on my iPhone and block it out with some New Zealand music. That allowed me to be in at least a half-familiar world." She also spent a lot of time on Skype talking to friends back home, "until I managed to make friends here." The worst part was a month after she arrived in the US, her hometown of Christchurch was hit with an earthquake that basically destroyed the town. She lost a number of friends and former colleagues. That made POST SCRIPT HP's฀attention฀to฀detail I By MARC LOFTUS SENIOR EDITOR recently had a chance to visit HP's Commer- cial Solutions Business Unit in Fort Collins, CO. It was an opportunity to see the attention to detail HP pays when developing its high- performance workstations. It's here that HP develops and tests systems before they go into production. And I mean "tests" — from humidity exposure to radio interference to the bumps, bangs and drops that a workstation may encounter during its lifespan. It all gets replicated and monitored here. HP's space has a lot of history. My tour includ- ed a visit to a museum of sorts, where many of its past benchmark-setting workstations are on display, including its first "all-in-one, " which fea- tured a 7-inch display (pictured) and was used to handle motion control and title work on the original feature film, Tron. Today, HP offers the Z1, its latest all-in-one, which offers workstation-class performance in a streamlined form factor that includes a 27-inch display. The Z1 makes no sacrifices in perfor- mance, while also offering a wide viewing angle 2 Post฀•฀November฀2012฀ the already long distance seem even bigger. But she found a way to reach out to people back home in a very familiar way. "Me and another New Zealand film- maker got the whole expat community together and made a video of support from New York." For David Raines, a Los Angeles-based re-record- ing mixer from Australia, his transition was a bit easier than Hinsen's. "In general, I think Australians seem to be a very nomadic people. We don't mind moving to other countries." Raines' journey to Los Angeles, which started with a stop in Vancouver, began after he reduced his inter- est in a sound facility he owned in Sydney. "I wanted to do more film work and knew it would be difficult to do in Australia — the film industry there is smaller than in other parts of the world, and it's hard to work consistently, especially in film. I knew that Vancouver wouldn't be a very difficult transition culturally, and it seemed like a bigger film market." Not long after arriving in Vancouver, Raines found himself working more and more with direc- tors and producers down in LA. Sometime in 2005, he decided it made sense to make the move south to Los Angeles full-time, and he hasn't looked back. "This is my home," he says, adding that he has no intention of leaving. "The amount of quality produc- ers and directors that I get to work with in Los Angeles is amazing." EDITORIAL RANDI ALTMAN Editor-in-Chief (516) 797-0884 MARC LOFTUS Senior Editor/Director of Web Content (516) 376-1087 CHRISTINE BUNISH Film& Video JENNIFER WALDEN Audio BOB PANK European Correspondent DANIEL RESTUCCIO West Coast Bureau BARRY GOCH West Coast Blogger/Reporter IAIN BLAIR Film MICHAEL VIGGIANO Art Director ADVERTISING NATASHA SWORDS VP, Marketing (818) 291-1112 MARI KOHN Director of Sales (818) 291-1153 cell: (818) 472-1491 GARY RHODES Eastern & Intl Sales Manager (631) 274-9530 cell (516)410-8638 SUBSCRIPTIONS (818) 291-1158 CUSTOMER SERVICE 620 West Elk Ave, Glendale, CA 91204 (800) 280 6446 MIKE TABIZON Account Manager (818) 291-1180 (781) 255-0625 • (818) 291-1153 REPRINTS Reprints LA SALES OFFICE: 620 West Elk Avenue, Glendale, California 91204 (800) 280-6446 WILLIAM R. RITTWAGE President / CEO and extremely easy serviceability — it opens like a briefcase. My tour took me to various labs that look at electro static discharge, thermal perfor- mance, "quietness" and durability. The "three- meter drop" test provided some of the most entertaining visuals. HP's Jeff Wood noted that workstations are considered "job-critical companions" for today's pros, so their ability to perform — and last — can't be understated. Post Magazine is published by Post, LLC, a COP communications company. Post does not verify any claims or other information appearing in any of the advertisements contained in the publication, and cannot take any responsibility for any losses or other damages incurred by readers in reliance on such content. Post cannot be held responsible for the safekeeping or return of unsolicited articles, manuscripts, photographs, illustrations or other materials. Subscriptions: Address all subscription correspondence to Post Magazine, 620 West Elk Ave, Glendale, CA 91204. Subscribers may also contact customer service at 818-291-1158, or send an email to For change of address please include the old and new address information, and if possible, include an address label from a recent issue. Subscriptions are available free to qualified individuals within the United States. Non-qualified 1 year rates: USA $63.00. Canada & Mexico $94.00. All Other Countries $133.00. Airmail Delivery is available for an additional $75.00 annually. Postmaster: Send address changes to Post Magazine, P.O. Box 3551, Northbrook, IL 60065-3551. Please send customer service inquiries to 620 W. Elk Ave., Glen- dale, CA 91204 SEE US ON

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