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TAKE A LOOK! Magic Bus WE HOP ON BOARD AS DOUBLE DECKER REVS UP FOR A SPIN DOWN MAIN STREET USA T he double-decker bus, that quirky multi-level mode of mass transport, makes an ideal symbol for a new wine concept looking to distance itself from old-school wine motifs. It's also emblem- atic of a brand seeking to position itself as a selection of choice among a youthful, LDA clientele seeking affordable, approachable wines to enhance their own personal adventure. Such is the dual rationale behind Double Decker Wines, a venture from Wente Family Estates that aims to create wines loaded with personality and a strong sense of mirth. Beckoning the masses with the bouncy slogan "Hop on the Bus," the Livermore, CA–based venue has released a trio of wines that are sure to encourage people to pick up a transit pass: Double Decker Pinot Grigio, Double Decker Zinfandel and Double Decker Red Blend, a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Petite Sirah and Barbera. And like the vehicle that appears on each label, the wines are crafted to be a conduit for easygoing communal amiability. All Aboard! "We want Double Decker to be the kind of wine that people can take with them whenever they are going to go and find themselves in a social setting, like camping or a neighborhood barbecue," says Greg Moss, Southern California Manager of Wente Family Estates. Every aspect of the Double Decker Pinot Grigio, Zinfandel and Red Blend has been geared toward simple portability and unintimi- dating accessibility. They boast screwtop closures. They carry a low price point. Their labeling is playful. And the wines in the bottle also reflect this relaxed motif, as they are crafted to be straightforward enough in flavor profile—while remaining varietally correct—to be completely accessible to the budding wine enthusiast. Yet as accessible as the Double Decker wines are on the surface, each expression does carry enough complexity to provide aspiring enophiles an entryway to the next level of wine appreciation, but in a way that is not intimidating. This helps Double Decker stand out 56 / the tasting panel / july 2012 by Rich Manning / photos by Leigh Castelli