
Summer 2016

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torrancememorial.org PULSE | 41 WHEN IS IT TIME TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR? It happens to everyone, especially competitive athletes: an ache, a pain, a sprain. When is an ice pack and a few days' rest enough, and when is it time to see a doctor? As a rule of thumb, see a professional when the pain lasts more than two weeks, says Dr. Richard Shen. Radiating pain (pain that spreads down past the hips to a leg, for example) or pain that spikes when coughing or sneezing are other indications that a visit to the doctor may be in order. Dr. Shen emphasizes that people shouldn't wait to address orthopedic injuries. "The earlier you come in, the faster you repair it," he notes. Pain that lasts for months on end can physically change the muscles around the injury as the body tries to compensate for it, leading to more issues. Long-lasting pain can also alter how the brain processes pain. "The majority of people wait too long," Dr. Shen says. "They wait until they've impaired their function. The longer you wait, the longer it's going to take to recover." L et's face it: we're spoiled. In Southern California, our weather lets us bike and swim, play baseball, volleyball, football, and soccer pretty much year-round. Still, we're more likely to be in the water, on the trail or on the field during the summer months—until a sports injury puts us on the sidelines. at's when Torrance Memorial Medical Center's orthopedics specialists and physical therapists can get us back in the game, even though they'd much rather keep us healthy and off the bench to begin with. A few simple guidelines can help reduce sports injuries and minimize their impact when they do happen. PREVENTION 101 e keys to prevention? Simple: warm up, and don't overdo it. Muscles that aren't loosened up and ready for intense activity are much more likely to react badly to a pull, twist or stretch. Warming up promotes blood flow and circulation, says Nicholas Silvino, MD, a sports medicine specialist and knee and shoulder surgeon with Torrance Memorial's South Bay orthopedics clinic. Warming up can help athletes prepare mentally too, increasing their focus and concentration. Good preparation should include a dynamic warm-up—think jumping jacks, or any active exercise performed at an easy pace, and stretching areas that tend to be tight. Work into a light sweat, advises Richard Shen, DPT, the clinic's lead physical therapist. "Always warm up the muscles and the joints." Beyond warming up before each game, Dr. Silvino suggests a "prolonged warm-up" of six to eight weeks before tackling a sport—slowly ramping up, rather than suddenly subjecting the body to the rigors of a new activity. "Shiing quickly from a sedentary lifestyle to an active, sports-intensive routine is a leading cause of sports injuries," he says. People can, and should, take advantage of Southern California's mild climate to remain active, but not by doing the same thing all year long. at can lead to over- use injuries. For example, rather than hiking to train for a long hike, use the elliptical first, and then add in shorter hikes. Training this way, with similar activities, reduces the risk of over-use injuries. Dr. Silvino recommends an off-season training program focusing on cardiovascular activity and core performance. "Everything you do is based on a solid core," he notes. Cross-training helps too, enabling athletes to maintain their cardiovascular fitness without exerting the same muscles and tendons over and over. Varying sports and exercise routines is always a good idea but especially for those in their late 30s and older, says Dr. Silvino. And of course good nutrition, sufficient sleep and plenty of hydration help athletes reach peak performance and minimize the risk of injury. Once we've trained, warmed up and hydrated, we still need to be careful not to overdo it. "You shouldn't be always sore," warns Dr. Shen. "If your body is always sore aer exercising , that's a sign that you're overdoing it." "Muscles and joints work together," says Todd Shrader, MD, of Torrance Orthropaedic & Sports Medicine Group, "and a muscle (or muscle group) that's not working well can hurt a joint. Likewise, a joint that's not working well may cause the body to try to compensate with the surrounding muscles, placing them under strain. Either way, a small problem can lead to a larger injury if le untreated." Oen the solution is as simple as giving the body a rest or, again, cross-training. If the same sport or activity is causing pain, take a break for a few weeks and do something else, added Dr. Shen. In Southern California, there's no shortage of sports to try, any time of year. "SHIFTING QUICKLY FROM A SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE TO AN ACTIVE, SPORTS-INTENSIVE ROUTINE IS A LEADING CAUSE OF SPORTS INJURIES."

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