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PEOPLE 48 POST SEPTEMBER 2015 MIKE FLANAGAN Former Video Symphony president Mike Flanagan has joined Burbank, CA's Key Code Media as direc- tor of education, bringing with him two decades of experience in professional media education and post production. He will be tasked with building education- al programs for Key Code Media and its clients. Flanagan founded and oversaw the development of Video Symphony from a small Avid-authorized education center to a vocational college and train- ing center for editing, motion graphics, and sound engineering. He has 21 years of industry experience that started when he bought his first Avid Media Composer in '94 from Key Code president Mike Cavanagh. He will create edu- cational services and certificated training programs. STACY PETERSON, JULIA WILLIAMS Cut+Run New York recently announced two promo- tions. Stacy Peterson, who's been an assistant, has been promoted to editor. She got her start at Final Cut before moving to Cut+Run and has edited projects for Gillette, BMW, Tide, Clorox, Newcastle and Nickelodeon. Julia Williams, who has been a producer with Cut+Run for nearly two years, has been promoted to head of production. She began her career at Beast, where she grew into the producer role and helped the New York office launch its finishing department before joining Cut+Run. As head of production, she will help overseeing the producer team and the office's daily operations. CHARLIE HARVEY Editor Charlie Harvey has moved to the Los Angeles office of international editorial company Whitehouse Post. She had been based at Whitehouse in London, but made frequent trips to the West Coast to edit spots for brands such as Adidas and Gatorade. Harvey began her career as an editor at M&C Saatchi, and spent three years at Willcox & Willcox before joining Whitehouse Post in 2007. She is known for her kinetic editing style, and has built a reel that includes work for brands such as Nike, FIFA, Intersport, Foot Locker, Volkswagen, and Pepsi. In addition to commercial work, Harvey has contributed to a feature, music videos, and documentaries. JACLYN PARIS Jaclyn Paris has joined Deluxe Creative Services as executive producer for its growing Atlanta facility. She will serve as the EP for Beast Atlanta, as well as over- see production for co-located sister facilities Method Studios and Company 3. Paris joins Deluxe from Cosmo Street Editorial, where she was head of pro- duction. She previously held various senior production roles at Lost Planet, Rabbit Content, Ravenswork Audio, and feature documentary outfit Isotope Films. POST MAGAZINE (ISSN 0891-5628) is published monthly by Post,LLC, a COP Communications company, 620 West Elk Avenue, Glendale, California 91204. 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No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including by photocopy, recording or information storage and retriev- al system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by is granted by POST, LLC for li- braries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Dr. Danvers, MA 01923 phone: 978-750-8400 fax 978-750-4470; call for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. For those not registered with the CCC, send permission request in writing to Permissions Dept. POST, LLC 620 West Elk Avenue, Glendale, California 91204. MARK SCHWIETERING, SEAN SMITH UK-based camera equipment rental company Procam has expanded in the US with the opening of Procam NY. Mark Schwietering joins the company as VP of operations, bringing with him 10 years of experience. He comes from AbelCine in Los Angeles and also spent three years at Procam's London HQ. Sean Smith assumes the role of VP of customer relations, moving from his previous role as VP of operations. Smith has over 20 years of US production experience, including a number of years working as a production manager on features and TV projects. He will be responsible for looking after and enhanc- ing all current and future client relationships for Procam New York. JEFF WOZNIAK Culver City, CA-based VFX house Zoic Studios has added veteran VFX supervisor Jeff Wozniak to its team. Wozniak has nearly two decades of experience in VFX. He got his start at ILM and has worked on Star Wars Episode I, II, and III; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Avatar; the Transformers trilogy; and Marvel's The Avengers. In his new position, he will helm Zoic's recent- ly-launched New York studio, which will service projects across all divisions: features, episodic, commercials and gaming. JASON KILEEN Editor Jason Kileen recently joined the New York office of creative editorial shop Spot Welders. He comes to the studio from Nomad, where he cut spots for Hershey's, Budweiser, American Express and Kit Kat. Prior to that, he was at P.S. 260, where he cut with directors such as Spike Lee and Errol Morris for Heineken, M&Ms and Morgan Stanley. While there, he also edited a feature film that was a finalist in the Dramatic Competition at Sundance. LISA HUTT London-based cloud video platform provider Aframe has hired Lisa Hutt as chief marketing officer, a newly-created position. She will be responsible for Aframe's global marketing strategy, thought leader- ship, brand awareness and new market growth initia- tives. Hutt's appointment follows a career in consult- ing and marketing management with cloud vendors such as, RingCentral and Concur. Schwietering Smith Peterson Williams