Issue link: 1 POST SEPTEMBER 2015 ON OUR COVER 2 EDITOR'S LETTER Industry Insight By Marc Loftus 2 POST SCRIPT Women of Hollywood By Linda Romanello 4 BITS & PIECES What's new in post production 10 VISUAL EFFECTS Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D By Linda Romanello 12 PRIMETIME Fox's Empire By Marc Loftus 14 DIRECTOR'S CHAIR Baltasar Kormakur — Everest By Iain Blair 42 POSTINGS A graphic glimpse of some recent work 43 EDUCATION Creating their own luck By Karen Moltenbrey 44 IN THE MIX 5.1 upmix challenges By Brian Riordan 45 EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Virtual & Augmented Reality re-writes the rules of audience engagement By Tim Sarnoff 46 REVIEW Eizo ColorEdge CG318-4K monitor By M.J. Foley 48 PEOPLE Keeping tabs of the industry's movers & shakers SERVING THE INDUSTRY SINCE 1986 VOL 30 · NO. 9 THIS MONTH IN • Transitioning iconic 2D characters to 3D • The challenges of transmedia projects • SIGGRAPH 2015: It's a wrap • The latest in motion capture DEPARTMENTS 16 28 12 14 Morganville Empire FEATURES 16 WOMEN BEHIND THE LENS A look at the sometimes-overlooked demographic: Rose McGowan & Lesli Linka Glatter By Marc Loftus & Linda Romanello 20 MASH UP Worlds collide in Sony Pictures Animation's Hotel Transylvania 2 By Marc Loftus 24 COLOR ME THIS Facilities set high standards for color calibrating displays By Christine Bunish 28 WEB-BASED SERIES BREAK OUT PlayStation, Netflix, Hulu and You- Tube serve up big-name talent and must-watch shows By Christine Bunish 32 GETTING INTO GEAR Audio pros open up their toolboxes By Jennifer Walden 37 SPECIAL REPORT: 4K/HDR - PART II How the latest technology is affecting post workflows Everest WEB EXCLUSIVES WWW.POSTMAGAZINE.COM • CAREERS: Audio engineer/composer Cosme Liccardo • EDITING: Mission: Impossible's Eddie Hamilton • IBC 2015 • SIGGRAPH 2015 Sony Pictures Animation's Hotel Transylvania 2 Homeland