California Educator

March 2015

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HESPERIA TEACHER PUT LIFE ON THE LINE IN UFW STRUGGLE By Sherry Posnick-Goodwin, Mike Myslinski and Frank Wells O R D O N W I L L I A M S O N ' S K I N D E R G A R T N E R S will enjoy a day off from school on César Chávez Day, March 31. But first they will learn how Chávez, a Latino like themselves, became a national hero and a symbol of courage for leading a revolution to organize farmworkers. They may not know it, but their teacher is also some- thing of a hero. Most have no idea that kindly, soft-spoken Williamson put his life on the line during the United Farm Workers (UFW) struggle decades ago, fighting for the rights of migrant workers to unionize. Growers threatened to run him over with their trucks while he stood on the picket line. He served as a bodyguard for Chávez when there were threats against his life. He taught the children of UFW activists in an after-school program, including three of Chávez's six children. G R e m e m b e r i n g C é s a r C h á v e z Profile Perspectives 24

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