Computer Graphics World

November/December 2013

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port F O L I O ■ CLOCKWISE from top left: Earth-like Moon: This scene of a hypothetical Earth-like world was generated in Maya with texture maps from Hubble images and from scans of cracked asphalt. Worlds Adrift: This image of a planet-size body in eternal night, wandering into a super massive black hole, was made in Maya. New Look at Saturn: Saturn and its rings as seen above its North Pole, generated entirely in Maya using texture maps derived from NASA's Cassini mission photography. War of the Worlds: This scene of Martian invaders was made for Berry's book Race to Mars. 44 ■ DANA BERRY Dana Berry is not your everyday computer graphics artist/ animator. He's been around since digital imaging was in its infancy. Clutching a bachelor's degree in fine art with coursework in astronomy and a newly minted MFA in film production, Berry landed his first big job as a digital artist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in the late 1980s, where he helped establish the Astronomy Visualization Laboratory for NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. His beautifully rendered images and animations have been used continuously by NASA to help educate the public and the media about space science for the past 25 years. His illustrations have appeared on the covers of numerous magazines, including Discover, Astronomy, Sky and Telescope, Nature, the New York Times, and, most recently, National Geographic Magazine. His work uniquely parlays his expertise in visual imaging and art direction, with an adoration of all things scientific, particularly astronomy. A milestone in Berry's career came when he was tapped to create new ani- CGW Novem ber / Dec em ber 2013

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