
Q4 2020

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30 C I N E M O N T A G E C O M M I T T E E N E W S By Jason Brotman T he strength of a union can be measured by the professional expertise, engagement, and sol- idarity of its membership. In order to ensure those elements exist, each new generation must be given the necessary Young, and United LOCAL 700'S YOUNG WORKERS GROUP GIVES VOICE TO A NEW GENERATION tools and knowledge. However, this isn't a simple process of dictating wisdom down from on high; it's a give-and-take. New generations need to be heard, re- spected, and met where they are. As co-chair, along with my esteemed f e l l o w m e m b e r o f t h e M P E G B o a r d of Directors, Shiran Amir, I am proud t o p r e s e n t t h e L o c a l 7 0 0 Y o u n g Workers Group. S e v e ra l o t h e r I AT S E l o c a l s h av e Young Workers Groups, and these are The Best of Youth: A new group helps bring young workers into the union.

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