Special 2021

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23 SAG-AFTRA SPECIAL ISSUE 2021 // SAGAFTRA.ORG / / / / / CELEBRATING ARTISTS I t's hard to imagine what a favorite action scene or summer blockbuster would look like without stunt performers. With every kick, punch and leap of faith, SAG-AFTRA's stunt community laughs in the face of danger and brings us to the very edge of our seats. It is with recognition of these individuals' skills and dedication that, on April 4, the SAG Awards® honors this year's nominees in the categories of Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture and Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Comedy or Drama Series. IN THE FACE OF DANGER THIS YEAR'S NOMINATED STUNT PERFORMANCES IN FILM 23 SAG-AFTRA SPECIAL ISSUE 2021 // SAGAFTRA.ORG

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