Spring 2020

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85 SAG-AFTRA | Spring 2020 | * Please note: Due to publishing deadlines, notices that are received outside of these dates will be considered for future publication. Robert Aaron 11/17/19 Alan Abelew 11/27/19 Luis Accinelli 7/30/19 Kip Addotta 8/13/19 Danny Aiello 12/12/19 Mose Allison 11/15/16 Craig Robert Anderson 2/4/20 Kathryn M. Anderson 8/20/19 Jerry Antes 2/8/19 Fran Anthony 5/20/19 Raoul Anthony 4/16/20 Dick Arnold 1/16/20 Marlene Ash 2/16/19 René Auberjonois 12/8/19 Robert Axelrod 9/7/19 Ken Bader 11/15/19 Elinor Baggett 6/24/16 Fuddle Bagley 5/15/18 Chuck Bailey 2/16/20 Kim Baldwin 9/25/19 Robert Barend 7/12/16 Gloria Barnes 3/23/20 Katreese Barnes 8/3/19 Kevin Barnett 1/22/19 Paul Barrere 10/26/19 Barbara Barrett 4/1/20 P.J. Barry 9/2/19 Patrick Barry 1/6/20 Orson Bean 2/7/20 Albert Belfiglio 4/28/20 Jason Bell 11/19/19 Lee Phillip Bell 2/25/20 John Bender 12/18/18 Paul Benjamin 6/28/19 Ben Bennett 12/25/18 Julie Bennett 3/31/20 Philip A. Benson 12/18/19 Arthur Berggren 11/6/19 Beryl Bernay 3/29/20 Marcia Ann Berry 11/28/19 Suzy Beugen 10/5/19 Kenneth Bichl 7/7/19 Big John 4/22/20 Millicent Binion 1/10/20 Jerry Bishop 4/21/20 Carol Lyn Black 9/23/19 Honor Blackman 4/6/20 Robert Blanche 1/3/20 Mark Blum 3/26/20 Brett Blume 10/3/19 Ramona Bivens 11/19/19 W. Paul Bodie 11/13/19 William Bogert 1/12/20 Betty Lee Bogue 1/16/20 Robert Boileau 3/29/19 Cynthia Bolen 1/18/19 Edwin Bordo 1/23/20 Roscoe Born 3/3/20 Jim Bouton 7/10/19 Chuy Bravo 12/15/19 Agatha Breidenbach 12/16/19 Teri Bridgett 10/6/19 Andy Brisman 10/17/19 Michael Brockman 10/14/19 Steven Brody 2/22/19 Dean Brooks 7/11/16 DANNY AIELLO RENÉ AUBERJONOIS JOHN C ALL AHAN KOBE BRYANT JERRY BISHOP EDD BYRNES We honor the memory of members whose deaths were reported to SAG-AFTRA between October 18, 2019, and April 30, 2020.

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