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Getting Crafty in Arizona THE TASTING PANEL AND YOUNG'S MARKET COMPANY TAKES ON ARIZONA COCKTAIL WEEK WITH A SPEED TASTING AND A CRAFT SPIRIT SPEAKEASY photos by Jeremy Ball T HE TASTING PANEL was desertminded when we packed up our pens and shakers and headed to the second annual Arizona Cocktail Week, held in mid-February and involving a slew of seminars, events, tastings, pool parties and even a carnival complete with classic games and stilt-dancing performers. The week-long extravaganza was truly a feast for the senses, with events hosted by some of the best bars and restaurants in Arizona giving the trade and consumers alike new reasons to fall in love with the Phoenix metro area's culinary and cocktail charms. Robert Camacho, CSS, CSW, District Manager of Resorts and Special Venues for Young's Market Company of Arizona, played emcee at our Craft Spirit Speed Tasting. 122 / the tasting panel / april 2013