The Tasting Panel magazine

November 2018

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november 2018  /  the tasting panel  /  19 BRIEF ENCOUNTERS I n the newly constructed Blossom Plaza in Los Angeles' Chinatown neighbor- hood, Ham & Eggs owner David DeLuca has opened a cozy wine bar showcasing California releases by the glass and bottle. The list, which changes often, features roughly three wines each from five or six producers. (DeLuca also plans to produce and sell a house wine, as well.) Most bottles on the menu come in at $45 or less, while wines by the glass are under $15—a rarity in L.A. For those seeking something a little more special, DeLuca also keeps a list of magnums and rare bot- tlings behind the bar. As the plaza draws more retail spaces and residents, LA Wine will grow even busier, so beat the crowd while you can! —Jesse Hom-Dawson LA Wine Is Chinatown's Newest Neighborhood Wine Bar

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