
Fall 2018

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PAT R O N S | FA L L 2 0 1 8 37 i n yo u r c o m m u n i t y WINE PROCUREMENT PARTY Picture perfect weather set the scene for another successful Holiday Festival wine procurement party at the home of Laura and Marc Schenasi. Guests donated wines from their personal collections for the silent and live auctions at the upcoming Holiday Festival Gala on November 30. The event was co-hosted by silent auction co-chairs Song Klein, Diane Landon, Helaine Lopes and Kathleen Wilson. As the bottles were being tabulated, attendees enjoyed live music, cocktails and delectable appetizers. 1. (top) Tori Wong, Melissa Woo, Lori Won, Brady Sedillos, Abbie Sedillos, Makenna Oda, Andrew Katz, Tyler Morimoto, Fabian Ferdows, Colin Au, Michael Lazarus, Kaelyn Arcilla, (boom) Alyssa Yeh, Aimee Tan, Seve Silvestre, Lawrence Olivares, George Ozawa, Jordan Asamoto, Lindsey Campbell. LUMINARIES AND NOVAS "GRAND FINALE" HONORS 2018 GRADS AND SERVICE TO TORRANCE MEMORIAL From a handful of women in 1990 to nearly 150 members today, the Luminaries and their high school-aged children, the Novas, continue to volunteer approximately 6,000 hours annually. Collectively the groups have donated more than $500,000 to support many of the hospital's important projects. On Sunday, May 20, the "Grand Finale" event honored 19 graduating seniors along with 16 Novas who volunteered more than 100 hours to Torrance Memorial. Terri Mitani, Luminaries president, presented Lisa Takata of the Torrance Memorial Foundation with a contribution of $42,000. The sum was raised largely through the group's second annual "Spring Into Fitness" 5K fund- raiser this past March at the South Coast Botanical Gardens. In addition, the Novas gifted "wish list" items, ranging from gift cards to craft supplies and high chairs to the neonatal intensive care, burn and pediatric units. 1. Marilyn MacLeod, Judith Gassner, Ruth Daniels. 2. John Katnik, David Clinton, Chris Wilson, Dave Klein, Steve Lopes. 3. Diane Landon, Kathleen Wilson, Helaine Lopes. 4. Anne Gonzalez, Diane Moore, Song Klein 1 2 3 4 1

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