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Your WEA at Work When a great topic is presented, you have to "grab the bull by the horns" and become the driving force in your community. These are my feelings about the ESSA workshop offered by WEA to our locals. As the Evanston local president, I see a need to bring the community, the local, and the school district informa- tion about ESSA, each stakeholder's role, and how this impacts their children's education. Evanston is the first local in the state to offer this work- shop. Attendance for the first session was five school district employees. I was not to be deterred from the work; arrangements to hold a second workshop began immediately. This process is exciting. As part of the promotion for the workshop, the WEA and EEA advertised in the newspaper, on the radio, digital billboards, postcards to each member from WEA, and as a post on several Evanston Community Facebook pages. Prior to the workshop, I spoke on Evanston's radio program, "Community Speaks." Many compliments followed from community members upon hearing me on the radio. When I heard Evanston had attracted the attention of the National Education Association, I was so excited. NEA representative Amy Simpson is a pleasure to work with, and her input with the district's administra- tion and our second workshop was fantastic! Atten- dance for the second workshop included 15 communi- ty stakeholders, including a member the school board. Prior to the workshop, representatives from NEA, WEA, and EEA met with the district's superintendents to discuss the checklist, Opportunity Audit, and how this works into the Marzano work the district is under- taking. I also appreciate WEA representatives Kathy Vetter, Greg Herold, Ron Sniffin, Elise Robillard, and Andrea Shipley for attending. In addition, a big thank- you to my local UniServ Director, Joe Clingenpeel, and Amy Simpson from NEA for helping with planning and facilitating this workshop. I encourage my fellow Association members to contact their UniServ Directors to provide this workshop for your community. Go to http://myschoolmyvoice.nea. org/ for more information. Ty Ruby, Evanston Education Association President Evanston Local Excited to Collaborate on Every Student Succeeds Act Your WEA at Work 19