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Summer, 2018 | The National Education Association's annual Rankings and Estimates: Rankings of the States 2017 and Estimates of School Statistics 2018 is now available. Wyoming is holding steady in many of its rankings, however the state is beginning to slip in its average teacher salaries. Although Wyoming's average teacher salary ranking remains unchanged at 17th in the nation, Wyoming is ranked 48th in the nation for increases in teacher salaries. This means 47 other states provided larger increases to teacher salaries than Wyoming. The 2017-18 national average teacher salary is estimated to be $60,483. Wyoming's average teacher salary is $58,578, only a 0.7% increase from last year. Wyoming Education Association President, Kathy Vetter said, "The investment Wyoming makes in public education shows in our consistently high assessment scores and student achievements. The report marks a time when school funding cuts begin to impact our ability to maintain funding for salaries, and thus to attract and retain the best and brightest teachers. Cuts to education now may negatively impact Wyoming's student performance in the future." Recent National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test scores shows Wyoming's education continues to be among the best in the nation. Wyoming students ranked first in fourth grade mathematics scores and continue to remain above the national average in fourth and eighth grade reading and mathematics. So, what can we do collectively to help the state continue to value its teachers through competitive compensation? 1. Vote. Your vote will determine the future of Wyoming's public education. Wyoming Teachers' Salaries Stagnate Here's What We Know 2. Get involved by talking to your representatives this summer. They are elected to represent you and can only do that if they know the realities you face in your school. A quick meeting for coffee or a discussion in the grocery store can make a world of difference for an elected officials ability to better represent you. 3. Be active in your local. Your Association is only as strong as its members. The NEA report provides comparative state data and national averages on a host of important public education statistics, teacher salaries, student enrollment, and revenue and expenditures for the most recent school year. NEA has produced the Rankings and Estimates report for more than 70 years. The complete report can be found at Technical note: Rankings data come primarily through collaborative efforts with state Departments of Education. Estimates are determined through recognized statistical analysis procedures, as presented in the methodology section of the report. 18