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Great ings Happen Everyday Social Justice Champion Honored with Gold Key Award Dr. Kathleen Millgan-Hitt was recently awarded the Wyoming Education Association's most prestigious award conveyed by the WEA. It is presented for extraordinary service, which has contributed to the professional development of WEA along with the enhancement and advancement of education in Wyoming. Dr. Millgan-Hitt started her career as a teacher, moved on to be a principal, and before retiring she became the Superintendent in Lander. As an advocate and speaker for education, women's rights and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) rights, she served as a strong advocate for educators and students. One WEA leader said, "she saw something in me that made her believe I could handle the responsibility and I am forever grateful to her nurturing my passion for the Association, and for her friendship." Friend of Education Award Max Morton and Travis Staszak of Sinclair Casper Refining Company were recognized as a people who demonstrate evidence of exceptional service to teachers, schools, and children. Morton and Staszak were nominated by members in Casper because they help elementary students interested in robotics by providing team sponsorship and, "guidance in computer programming, problem solving skills, and research." Education Support Profession Award Bob McCarty, custodian at Goshen County School District 1, was recognized as a person whose activities reflect the contributions of education support professionals to public education. As a 2017 inductee to the Wyoming Custodian Hall of Fame, McCarty's legacy as a custodian is praised statewide. He is known by members as "a 'go to' guy that is often on the front lines every day when folks are in need of assistance and/or information." School Bell Award Seth Klamann, a reporter at the Casper Star Tribune, was recognized as a representative of the news media for outstanding coverage of education news and issues. Mr. Klamann was nominated by a member in Cheyenne because of his, "outstanding job covering local, state, and national legislation that will impact the quality of education." National Foundation for the Improvement of Education Award for Teaching Excellence Amy Simpson, elementary school teacher at Laramie County School District 1, was recognized as an educator who exemplifies excellence in teaching as well as support for the profession through association activism. Receiving high praise from parents is rewarding and for Simpson, another feather in her cap. One of Simpson's letters of recommendation for this award came from a parent who said, "Ms. Simpson is an educator who cares deeply for her students and is passionate about her profession, I cannot think of a more deserving recipient for this award." DA Awards, 2018 9