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56 • THE ARTISAN SPRING 2018 B Y S H E R Y L B L U M J O U R N E Y M A N H A I R S T Y L I S T LIVE! THE GREATEST SHOWMAN Every once in a while, you get a project that is pure magic. TUESDAY: We were on location in Ridgecrest and the call came in at 7 p.m. to start the next morning at Warner Bros. The project was a live promo of The Greatest Showman. Luckily, I had worked with Mary Mastro on the film reshoots. She had pieced together the continuity and had the "book," so I was familiar with the characters. WEDNESDAY: I just had to pull stock, line up a dozen hair stylists, hire a key, set up the department, collect continuity and attend a production meeting in 10 hours. This is where the magic begins when you surround your- self with the best. THURSDAY: Laurel Van Dyke was my key. She went from Thousand Oaks to Pasadena and collected all my gear for the department, loaded in, set up, blocked eight wigs and hired Michele Payne. Together, they redressed what was salvageable from the reshoots. Then, we had to plan what to rebuild as characters were coming that weren't in the reshoots. Then, we pulled items for those actors who had cut their hair. FRIDAY: First dress rehearsal. Thirteen hair stylists parked at Warner Bros.'s Gate 8 for an 11 a.m. call. The P R O M O