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52 • THE ARTISAN SPRING 2018 B Y S H E R Y L B L U M H A I R S T Y L I S T Photos courtesy CBS All Access "IT'S 1939, WWII IS DECLARED IN SEPTEMBER. The War of the Worlds is broadcast that Halloween. Two men, Jack Parsons and Richard Onsted, are actively pursuing their dream, 'Rocketry.'" "Never heard of them? What's rocketry?" "You know, jet propulsion, they invented it!" "Oh yeah, like Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL)." "Yes, Caltech stuff." "OK, yeah. 1939-1940 hairdos, I love that! Sure, I'll do that show with you!" Period shows can be a beast, much bigger than produc- tion realizes. With talented, well-organized, strong people, the challenges in these shows can be minimalized, and these challenges have been real. Our home stage is Paramount Studios with lots of loca- tions. It's not so much being on the move, it's the elements: wind, dirt, blowing sand, heat, humidity and nights, cold nights. Who knew these rocketry guys did so much at night! All the above elements were best and worst at the Littlerock location, which is somewhere east of Lancaster, CA. We all experienced constant wind that kicked up the sand like a snow flurry but it was sand. Dermabrasion was free that week. Our actors had to perform in these elements and the crew humped equipment. A few fell ill but not one A GLOBAL