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4 • THE ARTISAN SPRING 2018 A few years ago, we experienced both excitement and satisfaction with our participation in the achievement of our California Film and Television Tax Incentive. Proudly, our perseverance worked, and the success of the program has been felt by so many—whether it's more continual employment, restoration of health and pension benefits, or even remodeling a kitchen. More and more members have been able to work here in California—from Humboldt County (A Wrinkle in Time) to the border of Mexico (Mayans) and San Diego (Pitch) and every soundstage in Los Angeles filled to capacity, and the Bay Area has had more production than it's had in a long, long time (13 Reasons Why, Bumblebee, Silicon Valley, Bird Box). The film and television industry has contributed more than $5.1 billion in direct spending to California, including $.9 billion in qualified wages, $1.6 billion spent with California businesses and more than 25,800 Californians employed as behind-the-scenes crew, plus thousands more as actors. Many of you took a minute to record a "thank-you" to the legislators and Gov. Brown, and others went to Paramount and Warner Bros. to have your portraits (hopefully, with your families). Northern Californians will have the same opportunity very soon to have your photos taken for Sacramento as well. Due to the fact that film and television need a lot of preproduction time, we decided to go ahead and try to get a new incentive bill passed before AB 1839 "sun- sets." Without knowing whether or not they will have the opportunity to take advantage of a tax incentive, producers will often not make the commitment that's needed to secure locations, or know that their produc- tion will have an advantage to staying in California for several seasons. Last week, we were again in Sacramento and spoke before the Arts and Entertainment Committee in support of the new Assembly Bill (AB 1734 – Calderon) and the Senate Finance and Governance Hearing (SB 951 – Mitchell). Our new bills are called the California Film and Television Job Retention Act, and the new extension would begin in June 2020 and go through June 2025. AB 1734 also makes improvements (effective June 1, 2020) that strengthen the production tax incentive program, including creation of a pilot program for training Californians from underserved communities for careers—not temporary jobs—in the skilled craft occupations in motion picture and television productions. This is an important part of getting numerous legislators to vote affirmatively for the incentive. Although Local 706 is similar to the United Nations, not all crafts are as diverse. We have done it naturally, with the multiculturalism of our Local reflecting the hard work of those who have dedicated their careers to the make-up and hair artistry in the entertainment field. Both AB 1734 and SB 951 also award tax credits according to a job's ratio (as before), and ensure that similar productions compete against each other by establishing "buckets" for fea- ture films, TV series and independent productions. Both bills again retain a special category and additional credit for TV series that have filmed outside of California to encourage them to relocate back to our Golden State (welcome, Timeless, Twin Peaks and Sneaky Pete). It's time to get our engines revved up again. We're going to need your assistance and com- mitment to get this done again, to keep our work flowing here in California. Many legislators are onboard, but there are some who are not, or those who want to alter the bill into some- thing else that fits their own agendas. We are once again going to need your solidarity and enthusiasm. The California IATSE Council, along with other industry unions, are organizing strategies to once again achieve our goal of keeping our indigenous industry and generations of Californians working in their home state. Please stay tuned … and make sure to read how A Wrinkle in Time make-up artist Joanetta Stowers represented Local 706 in Sacramento. SuSan Cabral-EbErt President Supervising Editor JEff angEll Contributing Writers SuSan Cabral-EbErt tommy ColE randy SayEr dEborah PiErCE Publisher inglEdodd mEdia Office Manager Kathy Sain Mailing List Manager dianE burnS The Artisan is published quarterly by Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists, I.A.T.S.E. Local 706, 828 No. Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA 91505 Phone (818) 295-3933. Fax 818-295-3930 All editorial and photo submissions should be sent to email address: Advertising: IngleDodd Media (310) 207-4410 Officers of I.A.T.S.E. Local 706 President Susan Cabral-Ebert Vice President Julie Socash Recording Secretary Vanessa Dionne Secretary-Treasurer John E. Jackson Sergeant-at-Arms Barbara Dally Business Representative Tommy Cole Official Magazine of Hollywood Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists. Published in the Interest of ALL the Members of Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists I.A.T.S.E. Local 706 FROM THE PRESIDENT It's time to get our engines revved up again. We're going to need your assistance... " "