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14 • THE ARTISAN SPRING 2018 by Randy SayeR Assistant to the Business Representative I.A.T.S.E. Local 706 The Coalition of Resort Labor Unions JOINING FORCES For the first time in forever … our coali- tion's hard work, perseverance and good old- fashioned 'union activism' is paying off! Disneyland Resort in Anaheim employs about 100 of our Theme Park members. These talented artists style the hair for our favorite characters, the singers, dancers and performers in the myriad of shows, parades and entertainment events throughout both parks, and create the magic on several rides and aractions. Princesses, pirates, pixies, mermaids and Marvel superheroes have their make-up and hair styling performed around the clock to exacting Disney standards; shis begin at 4 a.m. on a typical day and continue until 1 a.m. or later during the busy summer months. Next summer, with the opening of Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, it is expected that our workload (and department) will increase by 20 percent. Representation of this unit was a prime concern when I was hired back in January 2007, and continues today: we hold monthly 'Steward/Management' meetings with rep- resentatives from scheduling, labor relations and two tiers of managers. I am 'on property' two or three times each month—more than any other venue, and I have weekly (if not daily) conversations with our shop stewards. We have re-negotiated the contract twice during the past decade, and are due to resume negotiations next year. The current agreement provides good benefits—espe- cially for full-time employees, but our nego- tiations have not solved one key problem: extremely low wages, an issue common to most Disneyland employees. One important advance has been the formation of the Coalition of Resort Labor Unions (CRLU). As I reported last year, the CRLU consists of 11 of the union locals that represent the majority (17,000) of the esti- mated 30,000 employees at the Resort. A first in Disneyland's 60-plus-years' history, we have become a strong partnership, meet- ing weekly to discuss 'all things Disney.' I am very proud to say that I was an integral part of the very first meeting of this extraordinary partnership. I am also the group's secretary. Initially, we joined forces to fight the com- MAKING INROADS WITH DISNEY Above from left: Rebekah Pedersen speaks about 'Working for the Mouse' to a packed house at our CRLU Town Hall Meeting on February 28; Deserea Parrish and Jennifer Valencia receive their petitions from Salazar; Parrish and Valencia are all smiles. Below from left: Supporters picket the Disney Shareholders Meeting in Houston; Randy Sayer (circled) at event; Glynndana Shevlin/ UniteHere Local 11 and 20,000-plus signed petitions—speaks volumes at the May Day Press Conference at Anaheim City Hall.