The Clever Root

Spring 2018

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TOKAJ was established as a closed wine region in 1737 by a Royal Decree. FURMINT has been produced in Tokaj since before Columbus reached the Americas. TOKAJ'S VINEYARDS contain a considerable amount of gold. TOKAJI wines produced between the 17th and 19th century were among the most expensive in the world. TOKAJI WINE'S positive physiological effects were already demonstrated in 1524 by Paracelsus, the renowned alchemist and doctor. 2017 was the "YEAR OF FURMINT" in North America. FURMINT is an indigenous variety from the world's first classified wine region, Tokaj. TOKAJI could only be obtained by prescription in the 1900's. THE SZEPSY FAMILY has been producing wines in the Tokaj Wine Region for 18 generations. Pope Benedict XIV famously said: "Blessed be the soil that hath grown thee, and blessed I am who drink thee". For more information and facts about Mad Furmint please visit: THE NEW TASTE OF THE WORLD NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES

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