Computer Graphics World

APRIL 2010

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OPPOSITE PAGE, CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT Buggle Takeoff Shaddy Safadi was inspired for this piece while trekking in Northern Borneo, where she visited Deer Cave. The Life Giver An all-digital piece by Genesis Prado. “I was trying to portray how the nymphs of the forest give and take life as an example of a cycle of life. I wanted to portray life as some- thing to be cherished and not taken for granted.” Annapurna Base Camp Carlos Gonzalez- Ochoa’s panorama of the Annapurna South mountain at sunrise. Photos from the trip were heavily used as reference for Uncharted 2. THIS PAGE, CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT Home Sweet Home Melissa Altobello created this piece wherein the ground crumbled away, in a nod to the recent natural disasters. Sam A digital photograph that was part of a lighting experiment by Hong Ly. Steam Punk Village A painting by Robh Ruppel following completion of Uncharted 2. Escape #1 Andrew Kim strived for a simple but dynamic scene in a steampunk/sci-fi style. Strong diagonal lines in perspective made this possible, and a simple background made the characters/objects stand out. April 2010 37

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