Computer Graphics World

APRIL 2010

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April 2010 • Volume 33 • Number 4 I n n o v a t i o n s i n v i s u a l c o m p u t i n g f o r D C C p r o f e s s i o n a l s 12 26 20 Departments Editor’s Note It’s All A Game 2At a time when most industry trade shows are exhibiting a decline in Spotlight 4 Nuke 6.0, NukeX 6.0. Wacom’s Cintiq 21UX. News Graphics card growth exceeds expectations. PC gaming hardware forecast. User Focus Tooth Fairy visual effects are movie magic. Products Autodesk’s 2011 versions of 3ds Max, Softimage, Maya, Mudbox, MotionBuilder, and FBX; HumanIK 4.5; Kynapse 7. Portfolio 36 Unleashed: The Art of Naughty Dog. x Back Products 38 Recent software and hardware releases from the Game Developers Conference. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x Enhanced Content Get more from CGW. We have enhanced our magazine content with related stories and videos online at Just click on the cover of the issue (found on the left side of the Web page), and you will fi nd links to these online extras. ON THE COVER The young Viking Hiccup, atop the friendly dragon Toothless, battles the mother of all dragons and the source of bane for the humans and dragons alike in DreamWorks’ new CG animated feature How to Train Your Dragon. See pg. 12. April 2010 1 The Foundry’s attendance, the annual Game Developers Conference has exceeded expectations with a record 18,000-plus visitors last month. This success can be attributed to the gaming market’s ability to adapt to new demands from emerging genres, particularly the mobile, social, and casual gaming sectors. 32 Features Training Exercise COVER STORY 12 DreamWorks creates seven unique dragons, all with different shapes By Barbara Robertson For Gods’ Sake Lab Report and animation rigs, as well as a CG cast of Viking characters, for the 3D stereoscopic feature How to Train Your Dragon. 20 In Clash of the Titans, visual effects facilities share the legendary work 26 A look at how Autodesk Labs explores new technologies that may be commercially relevant to customers. By Karen Moltenbrey Brick by Brick 32 An architect agrees to a unique undertaking—building a full-scale house SEE IT IN • Navigating datacentric workfl ows. • VFX for the small screen designed to impress. • Director Neil Jordan on Ondine. • The sound of HBO’s The Pacifi c. solely out of LEGOs—and uses digital tools to plan and design the structure. By Karen Moltenbrey of bringing gods and creatures to life, and building the heavens and hell. By Barbara Robertson

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