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9 Great ings Happen Everyday Wyoming educators have much to boast about after being touted as "Best in the West" in Education Week's annual Quality Counts assessment of the nation's educational systems. The report takes a deep look at public education with help from the Education Week Research Center. Wyoming was ranked 7th in the nation in education quality and earned a grade of B-minus overall. The nation as a whole posts a grade of C. The 2018 Quality Counts report serves as a reminder that Wyoming can do great things for students in the state with adequate education funding. The report also calls attention to the areas where growth is possible. One notable achievement is Wyoming's growth in its K-12 achievement. This index "assesses the performance of a state's public schools against 18 indicators capturing current achievement levels, improvements over time, and poverty-based gaps," according to Education Week. In 2017 the state earned a D grade, and in the 2018 report the state improved to a C-minus grade. In findings for the three graded markers in the report, Wyoming surpasses the national average of a C-plus by earning a B-minus in the Chance-for-Success category, ranking 24th in the nation. In School Finance, Wyoming leads the nation with an A-minus and ranks first. For the K-12 Achievement Index, Wyoming finishes 21st with a grade of C-minus and is comparable to the national average. The report's data is meant to encourage administrators and educators to apply it to the task of improving schools. To learn more, go to: Quality Counts Report Ranks Wyoming 7th in Nation in Education Quality for Second Consecutive Year Social Studies Students Visit Session WEA member Sid Ludwig (featured in left photo), of Cheyenne's East High School brought, a class of social studies students to witness the work of the legislature. Students were able to learn directly from Representative Pelkey and legislative services staff (featured in right photo).