The Tasting Panel magazine

November 2012

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Spicy Uncle From kooky Aunt Chrissy and her kitten-sweaters, to (sorta) funny Cousin Joe and his endless "A rabbi/squirrel/wizard walks into a bar" jokes, extra time with extended family during the Holidays can be a bit overwhelming. But here's one family member you'll love spending time with: Meet Uncle Dougie's line of hot sauces, marinades and Bloody Mary mixers that are so spicy, savory and snack-worthy that you'll want to try them all. We can't say enough good things about the brand's small-batch Bloody Mary series, with flavors like Pom-Mango upping the usual ante. This Chicago-based brand will leave your customers clamoring for more, so stock up well in ad- vance of New Year's Day. f - word foods Not that f-word, guys. But try this bad boy out for size: Filthy Food, a line of super-premium cocktail gar- nishes that are designed to be enjoyed in contempo- rary and classic cocktails that enhance, rather than mask the base spirit. From the fantastically Filthy Pickle, which stuffs a yummy green olive with a teeny, Filthy gherkin, to the Filthy Black Cherry, a sexy ruby- red, sweet-tart cherry, Filthy Food is perfect for the at-home mixologists and the bar professional alike. Even more fun? The suggestively-shaped Filthy Tube, a plastic canister that's perfect in gift baskets or mini-bars year-round. With a name like if you see kay (say it out loud for more impact), it's fair to guess this is a wine with attitude. From the brassy name to the sassy, tatted label, if you see kay is good enough to curse about. Made from a blend of Italian-sourced Cab, Petit Verdot and Primitivo, if you see kay is dark and brooding—or as the winery likes to say, with "hints of imminent danger." But don't worry: although kay may be one tough chick, her wine is food-friendly and lots of fun. 130 / the tasting panel / november 2012 wash you r mouth out with wine

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