The Tasting Panel magazine

December 2017

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46  /  the tasting panel  /  december 2017 46  /  the tasting panel  /  december 2017 Charity Johnston, Bar Manager/Mixologist for Japanese Concepts at Katana in West Hollywood, CA, frequently uses amari like Disaronno's Zucca Rabarbaro in her cocktails to impart bitter, earthy flavors. Paul Zahn, Director of Brand Ambassadors for Disaronno International, concurs: "I love using Zucca to mix up Black Manhattans or Zucca-ronis for consumers. These are drinks they know and love but with our special twist—Zucca." story by Kate Newton / photos by Todd Westphal DISARONNO CARVES A NICHE IN WEST HOLLYWOOD Spirit ONE FITS ALL

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