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WINTER 2017 | ADVOCATE 31 Association Governance lmost 100 AEA members become a part of the world's largest deliberative body— 8,000 strong—when they are elected by their colleagues to represent them at the NEA Representative Assembly each year. The NEA-RA is the governing body of the 3 million members of NEA. The 2018 annual meeting, to be held June 30-July 5 in Minneapolis, MN, sets objectives, passes a budget, determines direction and votes on guiding principles for the Association, the largest professional organization and union in the country. You can be part of this exciting process by running as an AEA statewide delegate; regional delegate; retired delegate; or as a delegate representing your local association. Nominate yourself to be a statewide, regional, or retired delegate by completing the form on page 32. To run as a candidate representing your local, contact your local president. Local elections are usually held in the early spring, but vary from local to local. AEA-Retired members may be eligible for up to three delegates, depending on the January 15, 2018 membership figures. AEA is allotted a certain number of delegate positions based on the size of statewide membership. NEA-AEA Active members will vote for at least one Statewide Delegate and 14 Regional Delegates depending on the January 15, 2018 membership figures. In the event a candidate is elected to both a regional and statewide position, he or she must declare within ten days of official notification which position the candidate will accept. If a delegate fails to respond within ten days of the date of the official notification, he or she will be declared elected as a regional delegate. Nominees must complete the Delegate Nomination Form on page 32 and must submit it on or before 5 PM on January 19, 2018. Forms may be submitted via mail, hand delivery, fax, or email. Please see the instructions on page 32. Be part of the largest democratic body in the world! Be a Delegate to the 2018 NEA-RA Regional Delegates: Please look for your local association's name and the corresponding Election District (A through N) before completing your nomination form. AEA members will vote online for their 2018 NEA-RA Statewide, Regional, and Retired delegate representatives. Online voting will open on March 5, 2018 and close on April 10, 2018. Individuals may request paper ballots to cast their votes during this period. If you have questions about online voting, please contact Chris Mayer, staff liaison to the AEA Elections Committee at 602-264-1774 or 800-352-5411, ext. 143. VOTE IMPORTANT: Voting Process A AEA Elections Timeline November 2017-January 2018 Nominations accepted for NEA-RA delegates (statewide, regional, retired, local) Local associations should conduct a call for nominations for local delegate positions to the AEA Delegate Assembly and NEA-RA n n January 19 2018 March 1 February 5-9 March 5-April 10 March 27 April 10 May 11-12 June 30-July 5 Deadline for NEA-RA statewide, regional, and retired delegate nominations AEA Delegate Assembly election reports emailed to local presidents NEA State Director and NEA Alternate State Director nominations Deadline for AEA Board of Director nomination publication Online voting available to all members for NEA-RA statewide, regional, and retired candidates Deadline to report 2018 Delegate Assembly elected delegates Deadline to report 2018 NEA-RA local association elected delegates and successors 2018 Delegate Assembly, Scottsdale Resort 2018 NEA-RA, Minneapolis, MN Ethnic minority members are especially encouraged to run for AEA leadership positions.