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3 Continuing on the success of last year's Early Career Educator (ECE) campaign, WEA will again roll out the ECE effort for this 2017-2018 school year/membership drive. Built on the premise that we are losing too many new educators in the field due to a lack of support, as well as our desire to hear the needs and wants of our early career educators, we will again utilize the ECE cards to gather the data we need to tailor our efforts to support all public education employees. This fall will see three different cards, each aimed at a specific education employee group. The Education Support Professionals card, the Higher Education card and the Certified Employees card all have a similar look but have been edited to pinpoint relevant information from each of the groups. Again, the focus of the ECE effort is to have a one-on-one conversation with each of our members and potential members within her/his first five years of employment; the card is merely to track this information. The focus has been, and must continue to be, the face- to-face communication among peers to share why educators in Wyoming must belong to the Wyoming Education Association. Another change this year is that each card will be sent back to your Regional UniServ Director (UD). Your UD, and Cherie Cox in the Cheyenne office, will scan and deliver this information to the appropriate venue, thus relieving the Local of the burden of dealing with these cards once they are complete. This information has driven, and will continue to drive, our recruiting efforts and our professional development efforts as we make our Association more relevant to our newer educators while remaining a value to our more experienced members. While the cards allow us to collect the data, please do not hesitate to have a conversation with your young teachers and invite them to join the WEA. Sharing your reasons for being a member strongly encourages our potential members to join, as well as shows them all that WEA has to offer our education professionals. Your WEA at Work Early Career Educator (ECE) Campaign Early Career Educator (ECE) Card Example Certified Employees Greg Herold Southeast UniServ Director