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Back-to-School 2017 | 22 Professional Issues in WY Education Affect You Professional Teaching Standards Board (PTSB)— 1. It will be a lengthy process, but PTSB will be promulgating rules that will eventually affect: • School Nurse Licensure—eliminate School Nurse Licensure through PTSB, relying instead on their licensure through the Wyoming Board of Nursing. • Computing Technology Teacher Endorsement—better-equip schools with qualified teachers who are able to teach various areas of computer science. • Dual Language Immersion Teacher—specify requirements for endorsement and for exception authorizations for teachers in dual language immersion programs. 2. Special Ed. PRAXIS tests—It was determined that: • Wyoming's cut score on the "Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications" (#5354) PRAXIS is well above the recommended cut score, and is by far the highest of all the states. Under the current cut score, we have had a pass-rate of only 58%. Therefore, the Board voted to adopt a new cut score of 158. • The Math test used to qualify a Special Ed. teacher to be the Teacher of Record for IEP students in grades 6-12 should be replaced with a different PRAXIS that better measures the levels of math that such teachers are expected to teach. The Board adopted the MS Math #5169 PRAXIS, with a cut score of 165. State Board of Education (SBE)—Wyoming Social Studies Standards are being reviewed to ensure inclusion of standards pertaining to the cultural heritage, history, and contemporary contributions of American Indians; it is anticipated that any proposed changes will be brought to the State Board of Education for consideration around January 2018; the rules promulgations process can then take another six months or so. National Board Certification for Teachers (NBCT)—The Ellbogen Foundation and the Wyoming National Board Certification Initiative are gearing up for another year of support for NBCT candidates! WNBCI will be hosting a Running Start Workshop on November 9-11 at The Inn at Lander. This is a comprehensive presentation of all aspects of the National Board Certification process. It is designed for teachers who are National Board Certification candidates. Register online at Please note: In order to attend this workshop, you must be a National Board Candidate and have paid your registration fee, as well as your portion of the Component fee, to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. To register as an NBCT candidate, go to: Any current NBCTs who would be willing to assist locally with WNBCI activities, please contact Mary Garland at Accountability—Work continues to further define and refine both the traditional school accountability model and that for alternative schools. If you would like more specifics about either of the models, please contact Kathy Scheurman at Kathy Scheurman, Professional Issues Director,