• Interested in becoming a National Board-Certified Teacher? The Ellbogen Foundation and the
Wyoming National Board Certification Initiative (WNBCI) encourage you to begin the process and will
provide you with support to help you be a rock star in this endeavor! Register with the National Board
for Professional Teaching Standards (nbpts.org/national-board-certification) to become a candidate, then
sign up to attend WNBCI's Running Start Workshop to be held November 9-11 in Lander.
Go to wnbci.org for the scoop!
• Need PTSB credits for license renewal? WEA offers a choice of 10 online courses through
Professional Learning Board, each earning one PTSB credit. $119/course. Open entry; 24/7 access. E-mail
Kathy Scheurman, WEA Professional Issues Director, kscheurman@wyoea.org, for information.
• Did you know that WEA can provide you with a variety of professional trainings to suit your
members' particular interests and needs? See the many examples in the WEA Professional Development
brochure at: wyoea.org/teaching-learning, where you can also find other teaching and learning resources
available to you! Contact your Local president, your Region UniServ Director (go to wyoea.org/uniserv),
or WEA Professional Issues Director Kathy Scheurman, kscheurman@wyoea.org.
• 15th Annual Math and Science Teachers' Conference--October 16-17, Casper College
Participants will be provided with cutting-edge technology, innovative teaching methods, networking
opportunities, and continuing education. PTSB and/or UW credit will be available.
• "SMITHSONIAN SCIENCE HOW" Webcasts—various dates throughout the coming school year
Registration is now open for free 30-minute live webcasts from the Smithsonian's National Museum
of Natural History. These "Smithsonian Science How" webcasts bring scientists into your classroom.
• 2017 National Forum to Advance Rural Education--October 12-14, Columbus, OH
This year's theme is Growing Success, which will focus on connecting education and work, strengthening
the profession, and supporting the whole child. This event brings hundreds of rural education leaders
and practitioners together to learn, network, and collaborate on the topics at the forefront of rural
education. battelleforkids.org/events/rural-education-forum
• Wyoming Autism Spectrum Disorder Summit--October 2-4, Jackson
For special ed. and general ed. teachers, support staff, specialists, administrators, HE personnel,
& parents, it will feature national speakers on multiple topics such as social emotional learning and
language, IEP development, challenging behaviors and much, much more.
• Wyoming Innovations in Learning: K-20 Digital Learning Conference--November 2-3, UW, Laramie
The conference will provide opportunities for educators to explore teaching and learning practices
applicable to classrooms and distance learning environments from K through HE. For more information,
be watching at: cvent.com/events/wyoming-innovations-in-learning-2017/event-summary-272db2436eb9
Teaching & Learning
Take Advantage of Upcoming PD Opportunities!