Computer Graphics World

Siggraph 2017

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27 #SIGGRAPHcaf Penrose Maestro Devon Penney Bruna Berford Terry Kaleas Penrose Studios PhysicsForests: Real-Time Fluid Simulation Using Machine Learning Lubor Ladicky, SoHyeon Jeong, Nemanja Bartolovic ETH Zurich Marc Pollefeys Microsoft, ETH Zurich Markus Gross Disney Research, ETH Zurich Pinscreen: Creating Performance-Driven Avatars in Seconds Hao Li Pinscreen; University of Southern California, USC ICT Shunsuke Saito, Lingyu Wei, Iman Sadeghi, Liwen Hu, Jaewoo Seo, Koki Nagano, Jens Fursund, Yen-Chun Chen, Stephen Chen, Carrie Sun Pinscreen

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