Wyoming Education Association

Fall 2012

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/85591

Contents of this Issue


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OCTOBER 1-7 5-6 12 12-13 19-20 25-26 NOVEMBER 2-3 2-4 9-12 12 11-17 21-25 30 DECEMBER 11/30-12/1 WEA Board of Directors Meeting - Laramie 12/24-1/1 Winter Break - WEA Offices Closed JANUARY 8 21 25-26 27-28 FEBRUARY 1 1-2 6-10 8 13 MARCH 1 8 3/11-4/5 3/29-4/1 APRIL 3-4 4-6 Legislature Convenes Martin Luther King Day - WEA Offices Closed Committee/Commission Weekend - Cheyenne Statewide ReBeL Conference - Cheyenne Program Budget Committee Meeting - Cheyenne WEA Board of Directors Meeting - Cheyenne NEA Super Week Meetings - D.C. NFIE Gala - D.C. WEBT Renewal Meeting - Cheyenne WEBT Annual Meeting - Casper Legislature Adjourns PAWS Testing Easter Week Holiday - WEA Offices Closed WEA Board of Directors Meeting - Casper WEA 81st Delegate Assembly - Casper BACK TO SCHOOL 2012 | wyoea.org 31 NEA Super Week Meetings - D.C. Central/Northeast Retreat Program Budget Committee - Casper WEA Board of Directors Meeting - Casper Committee/Commission Meeting - Casper Higher Education Summit - Riverton Northwest Retreat - TBD WEBT Retreat - Laramie Fall State Presidents & Executive Directors Meeting - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Veteran's Day Observance - WEA Offices Closed American Education Week Thanksgiving Break - WEA Offices Closed Program Budget Committee - Laramie c a l e n d a r

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