Issue link: 40 POST JULY 2017 PEOPLE SABRINA PERCARIO After successfully producing a number of well-received films, LA-based actress/producer Sabrina Percario, SAG/AFTRA, has formed her own production company, Percario Productions. The company has eight projects currently in production and another four in development. In addition to dramatic, narrative films, Percario also intends to create television productions and spots. She is currently producing In Search Of, in collaboration with Bad Nose Film Company, a feature film about grieving and following your dreams. GRAHAM CHISHOLM Bicoastal editorial company Arcade welcomes creative editor Graham Chisholm to its team. His vibrant career began in Montreal, where he worked for three years be- fore moving to Toronto to continue perfecting his craft. For over a decade, Chisholm nurtured strong relation- ships with countless advertising agencies and brands, including Gatorade, Land Rover, Budweiser, Ford, Chevrolet and The Toronto Raptors. He is best known for his ability to tell compelling and persuasive stories, regardless of the brand or medium he's working with. MADELEINE BONNIOT, ANDREW SMITH, JORDAN HART Santa Monica's Eleven has added several new members to its audio post team. Madeleine "Maddee" Bonniot joins as producer, while Andrew Smith comes on board as assistant mixer, and Jordan "Jojo" Hart joins the studio as client services & facilities coordinator. An LA native, Bonniot earned a BA degree in media studies from the University of San Francisco and worked as an associate producer at Santa Monica music house Hum, before joining Eleven. Born and raised in the suburbs of Montgomery County, MD, Hart recently relocated to the Los Angeles area. Growing up outside of Philadelphia, Smith has always had a passion for music and sound design. After moving to LA, his career focus shifted into audio post production, landing a six-month-internship at Eleven that transpired to his current role as assistant mixer. ERIC COONEY UK-based Snell Advanced Media (SAM) has ap- pointed former Tandberg Television president Eric Cooney as president and CEO. Cooney has more than 20 years of experience in the technology, media and telecommunications industry. The ap- pointment will see Tim Thorsteinson step down as CEO after two years for personal reasons. Cooney was previously CEO of Tandberg Television and CEO at IT services provider Internap Corp. In his new role with SAM, Cooney will continue to drive the growth and devel- opment of the group across its core markets and build even further the company's substantial sales growth as a result of significant investment in new products. ANNA ROTHOLZ Bicoastal editorial shop Spot Welders has brought on Anna Rotholz as executive producer/head of development in its New York City office. Having previously worked as a rep with Spot Welders early in her career, Rotholz brings over a decade of sales experience upon her return to the edit shop. She has worked with such top industry shops as Believe Media, Uber Content, Imaginary Forces, Whitehouse Post, Union Editorial, Barking Owl Music, Independent Media, O Positive and Biscuit Filmworks. The addition of Rotholz will further expand client relations and business development that enhances the editorial shop's current pipeline of high-level projects, including VR and experiential pieces. MARC CHU Atomic Fiction welcomes animation guru Marc Chu to lead the studio's animation efforts across its Oakland and Montreal locations. Chu joins Atomic Fiction from ILM, where he most recently served as animation director, bringing more than 20 years of experience animating and supervising the creation of everything from aliens and spaceships to pirates and superheroes. Based out of Atomic Fiction's Oakland office, Chu will oversee animation company-wide and serve as the principal architect of initial studio production, including the expansion of Atomic Fiction's previs and digital creature offerings. He's already begun work on The Predator and is ramping up activity on an upcoming Robert Zemeckis feature. DONNIE KEALA CREIGHTON, SARAH MCGRAIL Burbank, CA's Picture Shop is expanding its sales team by promoting two industry veterans. Donnie Keala Creighton, previously director of dailies, will become director of sales for the company's core work from dailies through finishing. Sarah McGrail, formerly senior supervising producer of VFX, will move into the role of director of VFX sales. Creighton has spent more than 15 years working in post, beginning as a runner and working his way up until he became a DI producer for feature films. He's also worked in the on-location dailies division for CBS's Hawaii Five-0. McGrail started her career as a production assistant and quickly found her way to VFX. Throughout her 13 years in the industry she has worked on critically acclaimed projects such as Orange is the New Black, MacGyver and NCIS: New Orleans. ELISABETTA CARTONI Elisabetta Cartoni, president and CEO of Rome, Italy- based professional camera support system manufactur- er Cartoni (S.p.A.), has been accepted as an Associate Member of the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC). Associate membership in the ASC, the oldest con- tinuously operating motion picture society in the world, is granted by invitation-only, based on an individual's contributions to the mo- tion picture industry in general and cinematography in particular. Elisabetta heads the family-owned company (founded in 1935), supplying cinematographers and other camera professionals around the world with fluid heads, tripods, pedestals and other specialty gear in the production of motion pictures, television documentaries and news. POST MAGAZINE (ISSN 0891-5628) is published monthly by Post,LLC, a COP Communications company, 620 West Elk Avenue, Glendale, California 91204. Subscription rates: $63 for one year in the United States & Possessions; $94 for one year in Canada and Mexico; all other countries $133 for one year. For air-expedited service, include an additional $75 per order annually. Single copies (prepaid only): $16 in the United States; $32 in Canada and Mexico; $47 all other countries. Back issues, if available, are $32 for the U.S. & Possessions; $63 for Canada and Mexico; $94 for all other countries. Include $8.00 per order plus $3 per additional copy for U.S. postage and handling. 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