The SOMM Journal

June / July 2017

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108 { THE SOMM JOURNAL } JUNE/JULY 2017 { varietals } THERE IS AN OLD FOLK saying in Croatia: "Water divides people; wine unites them." This adage was never more on display than for two days in April, when more than 100 wine enthusiasts, wine writers and critics, grape geneticists, diplomats and winemakers trav - eled across continents and oceans to converge in Croatia. United in common purpose, they came to taste, explore and celebrate the cultural heritage of one of the world's most popular wine grape varieties, Tribidrag, at the first ever inter- national I Am Tribidrag conference. THE INAUGURAL "I AM TRIBIDRAG" CONFERENCE DRAWS DIGNITAR- IES TO CROATIA TO EXPLORE ZINFANDEL'S ROOTS by Cliff Rames A Grape Celebration TRIBIDRAG: PHOTO: CLIFF RAMES Tribidrag vines at Kraljevski Vinogradi (Royal Vineyards) near Zadar. Tribidrag plantings across Croatia hav e increased to nearly 100 hectares (247 acres). PHOTO: DAMIR FABIJANIC ' Conference organizers and special guests (front row): Joel Peterson, founder of Ravenswood Winery; David Gates, Vice President of Vineyard Operations at Ridge Vineyards; Dr. Carole Meredith, U.C. Davis (retired); Dr. Edi Maletic´ , University of Zagreb.

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