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| WEAnews 6 WEA President -- for a three-year term: Kathy Vetter WEA Vice President -- for a three-year term: Grady Hutcherson NEA RA State Delegate (Category 1) – 7 delegates -- for a two-year term: Paige Gustafson Rebecca Murray Patti Krakow Lannette Lahey Tanya (Smith) Harris Rachael Nyberg-Hampton Tracy Clement NEA RA State Delegate (Category 2) – 1 delegate – for a one-year term: No nominees Central Region Central Region President – for a two-year term: Dirk Andrews Central Region Vice President – for a two-year term: Rebecca Murray Central Region Representative – for a one-year term: Melissa Harris Northeast Region Northeast Region Representative – for a two-year term: Darlene Erickson Northwest Region Northwest Region Vice President – for a two-year term: Levi Purdum Northwest Region Representative – for a two-year term: Lannette Lahey Southeast Region Southeast Region Vice President – for a one-year term: Diana Wedl Southeast Region Representative – for a one-year term: Carole Palmer Southeast Region Representative – for a two-year term: Jon VanOverbeke Southwest Region Southwest Region President – for a two-year term: Lori Eggleston Southwest Region Vice President – for a two-year term: Bertha Tracy Central Region Central Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA – (1 delegate) -- for a one-year term: No nominees Northeast Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA – (1 delegate) -- for a one-year term: Annie Gripp Northwest Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA – (3 delegates) -- for a one-year term: Tom Bushyhead – Jennifer Dare – Steve Thulin Southeast Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA – (1 delegate) -- for a one-year term: No nominees Southwest Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA – (2 delegates) -- for a one-year term: Annette Mason - LeAnn Uhling NEA RA State ESP Cluster Delegate – (1 delegate) -- for a one-year term: No nominees Jennifer Dare – Steve Thulin Your WEA At Work WEA Election Results Alternates Judith Crow Jolyn Hallgren SUMMER 2017