| WEAnews
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Summer Professional Development
to Grow Your Knowledge
Need PTSB credits for license renewal? WEA offers a choice of 10 online courses
through the Professional Learning Board, each earning one PTSB credit. $119/
course. Open entry; 24/7 access. E-mail Kathy Scheurman, WEA Professional
Issues Director, kscheurman@wyoea.org, for information.
Summer Storytelling Class: Telling Stories 2017: June 26-29,
Marblehead, MA. More info: contact Judith at 781-631-4417.
2017 ASCD Conference on Teaching Excellence: June 30-July 2, Denver,
CO. http://www.ascd.org/conference-on-teaching-excellence.aspx
Geography, At the Intersection of Art and Literature: FREE Summer
Institute for Teachers: July 10-12, UW, Laramie. Limited to 30 participants! https://drive.google.
UW Summer Engineering Program for Teachers: Arduino
& Raspberry Pi:
Beginner Level—July 10-14; Advanced Level—July 17-21. More
information and registration: http://www.uwyo.edu/esp4t/
Future Ready Schools® (FRS) Institute: July 13-14, Denver, CO. Space is
limited. http://futureready.org/frs-institutes/denver-co/
Learning Forward's 2017 Summer Institute: July 20-21 and 22-23,
Denver, CO. https://learningforward.org/learning-opportunities/institutes
Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) National Training
July 31-Aug. 2, Washington, DC. http://www.militarychild.org/news-and-events/
Online STEM Courses for Wyoming Teachers: A collaboration between
the New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and Colorado State University - Global
Campus provides Wyoming teachers with the opportunity to advance STEM teaching skills;
learn physics and how to teach it; and earn graduate credit with new online courses. All courses
can be pursued on your own schedule, provide graduate credit and are applicable to a Master's
Degree at CSU-Global. https://njctl.org/teacher-education/online-courses/
Save the date: UW Fall Literacy Conference: Sept. 22-23, UW, Laramie. Conference
registration will open on June 1. http://www.uwyo.edu/education/lrcc/conferences%20and%20