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SUMMER 2017 | 3 The professional publication of the 6,000 members of the Wyoming Education Association Executive Director Ron Sniffin Editor Coleen Haines Contributor/Proofreader Kathy Scheurman Advertising & Layout Sue Clark Wyoming Education Association Cheyenne Office: 800-442-2395 Casper Office: 800-464-6419 Rock Springs Office: 800-660-6771 Thermopolis Office: 800-464-6412 OUR VISION WEA envisions a society where education is seamless, respected, and highly valued. OUR VALUES • Respect for all students and education professionals • Empowered students and education professionals • Public education for all • Members' rights • Due process • Integrity • Diversity OUR MISSION As a unified voice, WEA engages, educates, and empowers our members to advance high quality education for all. We Are Interested In Hearing From You! mail: 115 E. 22nd Street, #1, Cheyenne, WY 82001 website: email: phone: (800) 442-2395 fax: (307) 778-8161 IN THIS ISSUE YOUR WEA AT WORK 6 WEA Election Results 7 2017 Delegate Assembly 8 WEA Award Recipients 11 WEA Budget Process GREAT THINGS HAPPEN EVERY DAY Sponsored by the Wyoming Highway Patrol 12 Push-Ups for Uganda - in Lander! 14 The Cat-A-Van Celebrates WEA's First Pre-School Local 15 WEA-Retired Update ACTION 18 WEA Legislative Update 19 State Boards and ESSA Updates 20 Funding Education TEACHING & LEARNING 22 Summer Professional Development To Grow Your Knowledge If you know of a member, local, or school that deserves recognition for accomplishments in helping to improve the quality of public education in Wyoming, please send any information to the WEA News staff at: MEMBER BENEFITS 24 Two Wyoming Schools Receive 2017 California Casualty Grants ANNOUNCEMENTS 28 Six Ways to Avoid Those Social Media Landmines 31 Alive at 25 COVER Doreen McGlade Wins WEA Gold Key Award SUMMER 2017 SUMMER 2017 WEAnews President Kathy Vetter Vice President Grady Hutcherson Treasurer Kimberly Amen NEA Director Amy Simpson WEA Elected Officers Mary Wolf, Steve Thulin, Barbara Gonzales, Vicki Swenson, Dirk Andrews, Marci Kutzer, Elizabeth Crislip, Deb French, John Fabela, Lannette Lahey, Barry McCann, Jon VanOverbeke, Lori Eggleston, Madeline Trujillo-Hamel Board Of Directors The WEA News (ISSN 007-370) is published quarterly (September, December, March, and May/June) by the Wyoming Education Association, 115 East 22nd Street, Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82001. Subscription: average $5.49 of WEA members' dues is designated for WEA News. Periodicals postage pending at Cheyenne, WY, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The WEA News, 115 East 22nd Street, Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82001. Copyright 2017, by the Wyoming Education Association. All materials in this periodical may be reproduced by teachers for distribution to students or by affiliate associations for their own publications. Unless expressly stated, acceptance of advertising does not necessarily imply endorsement of the product by the WEA. 16 The Best Times To Buy Nearly Anything TEAR-OUT POSTER - 9