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| WEAnews 12 Lander Education Association member Reva Lobatos teaches at Gannett Peak Elementary classrooms an understanding of cultural differences through a great fundraising effort. They same time promoting student health and fitness as well as raising money for a great cause. connection with a RainCatcher Ambassador. RainCatcher is a global non-profit that implements affordable and sustainable methods for from one million gallons of water! According to UNICEF, 748 million people lack access So, students were each asked to bring donations for the project, as well as to complete 20 Reva's class started with the reading of the children's book, "Long Walk to Water," which don't go to school--and the water they do retrieve is dirty. Reva went one step further and invited a student's uncle who grew up in Africa to speak school. He had to carry his own chair four miles every day, back and forth, or the chairs have water of their own, and went further to tell the students that he was, in fact, from a differences in other countries. Hearing about the problem from someone who lived it firsthand Through past fundraising efforts, there is already a water filtration system in Uganda that clean water for even more children. 12 Great Things Happen Everyday Lander Education Association member Reva Lobatos teaches at Gannett Peak Elementary classrooms an understanding of cultural of cultural of differences through a great fundraising Elementary fundraising Elementary effort. Elementary effort. Elementary They Elementary They Elementary same time promoting student health and fitness as well as raising money for a great cause. understanding same time promoting student health and fitness as well as raising money for a great cause. understanding through same time promoting student health and fitness as well as raising money for a great cause. through great same time promoting student health and fitness as well as raising money for a great cause. great fundraising same time promoting student health and fitness as well as raising money for a great cause. fundraising They same time promoting student health and fitness as well as raising money for a great cause. They SUMMER 2017