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| 11 The WEA budget process is constantly in progress, as each year we revise our current budget and draft a proposed budget for the next year to present to the delegates at Delegate Assembly. We begin each new fiscal year on August 1st, and by the end of October, we have gathered input from our members as to what their priorities are. During the past two years, we held roundtable discussions with members. The first step was to ask members why they belong to the Association, and what they value most from their Association. We were able to define several priorities through this process, which included legal support, advocacy, and political action. In addition, we also found out that members really wanted and needed support in their classrooms and in their schools. In an effort to find ways to support this area, we asked members this past fall to tell us how they think we can support them at the state level with local issues. Subsequently, the WEA Program and Budget Committee met and was able to clearly define five priorities for our proposed budget: 1. Create a network of trainers that can be accessed by locals and/or individual members. 2. Conduct an Emerging Leaders/SPARKS training, to include leader identification. 3. Conduct AR training in combination with NEA 360 training. 4. Region leaders will provide mentoring to new local leaders. 5. Provide legal and advocacy training. Once the priorities are defined, the Program and Budget Committee works to build a proposed budget that will fund those priorities. We build our budget based on 95% of the dues dollars as of December 15th. Your Program and Budget Committee meets in January to draft a budget to present to the full WEA Board of Directors. The goal is to fund the priorities first, because that is what our members have said they want and need. This year, there is a need for training in various forms. We are pleased to say that we were able to include all of the above priorities in our budget for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. We have provided for a statewide Emerging Leaders training, as well as eight drive-in/ drive-out AR and NEA 360 Trainings. We will begin creating a database of our members who would be available to mentor or train others, and hope that this will help locals access the support they need. We have provided funds for our region leaders to travel to locals for the purpose of mentoring local leaders, and we will be having the Hacker law firm provide a virtual training on legal and advocacy issues. This training will be recorded, and locals will have access, via their UniServ Directors, as needed. This is more training than the Association has been able to offer in several years. In addition, there is money to support regions who want to work with their locals to host a regional event. We encourage members to take advantage of these trainings in the coming year, and to let us know what is working and what needs some improving. The following is a timeline for the budget process. • September and October – Gather member input for budget priorities. • November – Program and Budget Committee meets to determine strategic priorities. • December – WEA Treasurer, President, Executive Director, and Business Manager revise the current budget based on 95% of the dues dollars as of December 15th, and draft a straw design budget based on strategic priorities for the Program and Budget Committee. • January – Program and Budget Committee meets and finalizes both the revised budget and the proposed budget, and the full WEA Board modifies and approves budget to send to Delegate Assembly. • March – Budget is presented to delegates at Delegate Briefings. • April – Budget hearing is held at Delegate Assembly; budget is presented to delegates for acceptance. This is YOUR Association. Through this budget process, we strive to learn from you what your priorities are for the WEA. Feel free to contact me with questions and suggestions: WEA Budget Process Kimberly Amen WEA Treasurer SUMMER 2017