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SPRING 2017 | 29 Kathy Vetter Seeking: WEA President I would like the opportunity to continue to serve as your WEA President. I will use the knowledge and experience that I have gained these past few years to be a positive voice for you, our members, and the students that we serve. I would appreciate your vote. Thank you for all you do for the students of Wyoming! Jolyn Hallgren Seeking: State Delegate to NEA Representative Assembly I am very proud of our association and all that we do! I take satisfaction in the accomplishments we make as a unified force. I would be honored to represent our local and state delegates at the Representative Assembly. It is an awesome experience to be part of the highest decision making body in the NEA and I would love to be able to attend again! Dirk Andrews Seeking: Central Region President As your Central Region President for the previous two terms, I look forward to continuing to advocate for quality educators and quality education. I am actively engaged in strengthening our voice and am excited to continue to ensure that Wyoming's educators and students are represented. I appreciate your vote. Steve Thulin Seeking: Northwest Region Cluster Delegate to NEA Representative Assembly As a 27-year member, I am in my 4th term on the WEA Board of Directors, and I served as Director of Government Relations (2003-2004). As such, I have worked for all our members from kindergarten through college, including ongoing legislative and political action to this day. Now I seek to take that experience to Representative Assembly. Carole Palmer Seeking: Southeast Region Representative I'm secretary of my local, have served on various committees both locally and statewide, been a delegate numerous times to Representative Assembly and Delegate Assembly, previously served on the WEA board as ESP Representative and am currently a Southeast Region Representative. I have the knowledge and experience to continue representing the Southeast Region and would greatly appreciate your vote. Thanks! Annette Mason Seeking: Southwest Region Cluster Delegate to NEA Representative Assembly As a k-5 Wyomng educator for the last 28 years, I am committed towards the continual improvement of education in Wyomng. Previously I have served as president and co-president for CCEA, a NEA RA delegate, and would like to continue my efforts as NEA RA 2017 Delegate. LeAnne Uhling Seeking: Southwest Region Cluster Delegate to NEA Representative Assembly I'm a kindergarten teacher in Saratoga dedicated to working with local/regional members, governance/ staff to advocate for students and public schools. After serving in many different roles over the past 28 years, I'm excited about my appointment to the 2016-2017 NEA Resolutions Committee. My responsibility is to consistently convey the belief statements our Association takes on education and social justice issues. Meet Your Candidates