Arizona Education Association

Spring 2017

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38 ADVOCATE | SPRING 2017 Association Governance 2017 Proposed Amendments C-2017-01 Article II, Section 3. Term of Offi ce Submitted on behalf of the AEA Board of Directors by Joe Thomas, President Rationale It is sound governance practice to make the start date of the term of offi ce a certain date rather than solely connecting it to another organization's event. It alleviates any issues should the NEA-RA change from an annual cycle. Over 80% of other state affi liates use a designated date. To Amend the AEA Constitution as follows: Term of Offi ce Section 3. All executive offi cers of the Association shall assume their offi cial duties upon adjournment of the NEA Representative Assembly OR ON JULY 16 IN THE YEAR THEY ARE ELECTED WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. ALL EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION and shall hold offi ce for a term of three (3) years or until their duly elected successors take offi ce. No executive offi cer shall be eligible for more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same offi ce. B-2017-01 Article II, Section 7. I&PD Committee Submitted on behalf of the AEA Board of Directors by Joe Thomas, President Rationale Removing the standing committee requirement for an Instruction and Professional Development Committee affords the organization fl exibility in dealing with education issues more appropriately. As well, since the committee does not perform a specifi ed governance function, moving the committee to Board Policy would create equity within committees of the Association. To Amend the AEA Bylaws as follows: I&PD Committee Section 7. The Instruction and Professional Development Committee shall be a standing committee of the Association. n Teacher Opportunities ARIZONA K12 CENTER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Arizona K12 Center offers professional development to Arizona educators. Visit their website at for professional development opportunities. Upcoming events include: • April 7: Cognitive Coaching Profi ciency Module: Planning and Refl ecting Conversations Maps • June 6-8: Summer Math Institute • June 19-21: Teacher Leadership Institute • June 27-29: Beginning Teacher Institute OELAS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Arizona Department of Education's Offi ce of English Language Acquisition Services (OELAS) has posted their professional development and conference schedule online at ems. Check out three amazing conferences scheduled for June 12-16 at the JW Marriott Starr Pass resort in Tucson: Teacher's Institute; Leading Change Conference; and Summit VIII. IGT AFTER SCHOOL ADVANTAGE GRANTS Since 1999, International Game Technology (IGT) has provided grants that support after-school programs for economically disadvantaged students. In particular, IGT focuses on digital initiatives, designed to close the digital divide, as well as technology for students. During their grant-giving history, IGT has donated more than 270 computer labs across the U.S. and in several other countries. Funding for classroom materials and technology for after-school programs is available. For more information, visit responsibility/community-giving. SIEMENS STEM DAY SWEEPSTAKES Looking for funds to makeover your school labs or launch a tech learning center? Don't forget to enter the Siemens Possibility Grant Sweepstakes. The grant provides funds for a "science lab makeover and/or STEM-related equipment, supplies and technology." Educators and parents can enter their schools daily for the chance to win. Drawing to be held in May. One grand prize winning school will receive a $10,000 grant for high-tech STEM learning tools. Apply online at n

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